Stephanie Claus


Purpose Activator, Writer & Cosmic Cheerleader for purpose seeking Wanderers, Starseeds & Lightworkers

Purpose Activator, Writer & Cosmic Cheerleader for purpose seeking Wanderers, Starseeds & Lightworkers

Transmission of her essence

Downloaded by StarTribe Allies

The realisation of humanity in love, harmony and unity.

Precise, harmonize, magnetise ...
Liberating the individual tone
~ Discovering the play of the instrument
With an endless devotion
- composing the beauty of one symphony

Clear, Clean and Direct
With careful precision ~ truth emerging ~ a colourful dance of life

Clear, Clean and Direct
Penetrating voice of love directed to the core of being
~ Embedded in pure intent

Clear, Clean and Direct
In a warm inviting embrace, 
lifting the veils of any limitation
~ Opening the hidden treasures of the abundant overflowing heart.

Clear, Clean and Direct
In the loving eye of her gentle unfiltered heart 
- A vibrating field

A still beauty is emanating.

Downloaded by StarTribe Allies

The realisation of humanity in love, harmony and unity.

Precise, harmonize, magnetise ...
Liberating the individual tone ~ discovering the play of the instrument
With an endless devotion ~ composing the beauty of one symphony

Clear, Clean and Direct
With careful precision ~ truth emerging ~ a colourful dance of life

Clear, Clean and Direct
Penetrating voice of love directed to the core of being ~ embedded in pure intent

Clear, Clean and Direct
In a warm inviting embrace ~ lifting the veils of any limitation
~ Opening the hidden treasures of the abundant overflowing heart.

Clear, Clean and Direct
In the loving eye of her gentle unfiltered heart ~ a vibrating field

A still beauty is emanating.


Stephanie remembered from early on in life that her life is part of a larger soul’s journey and is committed to follow the call of her heart & soul - no matter where it leads to. 

Her life is a living testimony of Divine Orchestration and the magic that unfolds when we dare to walk away from the known and jump into the unknown. 

When the world collapsed into a collective dark night of the soul in 2020, Stephanie’s multidimensional nature emerged more fully and accelerated her embodiment of living “Heaven on Earth”. 

Her journey has been one of deep inner work and rebirth after rebirth. Shedding, undoing & unbecoming all that we have learned. Allowing herself to be fully human while remembering her divine nature. Deeply trusting her own truth & direction. An ever-expanding unfolding.

Stephanie is deeply in touch with the deeper realms of our living reality. She inspires people to follow their soul's calling, remember who they are and why they are here. 

Her body of work is to be a bridge from the sensed future to our lived experience in the now. Rooted in unity consciousness, which implies a shift from “One into We”, from personal self to operating as a collective and “moving as One”. She holds this collective template, which is seeding a future based in harmony, love & unity for all. 

About Stephanie

love notes

"Stephanie is a Soul Archeologist. She always gets you to find the hidden gem & gets to the core of everything."


"Stephanie is like a megaphone, her energy amplifies what needs to be known & seen. The clarity she provides always creates efficiency in my life."


"In your presence, I feel infinite patience for everyone's journey, while at the same time you want us all to wake up. You constantly attune your energy, guidance & direction to what is needed in the field."


"Stephanie is like a megaphone, her energy amplifies what needs to be known & seen. The clarity she provides always creates efficiency in my life."


"In your presence, I feel infinite patience for everyone's journey, while at the same time you want us all to wake up. You constantly attune your energy, guidance & direction to what is needed in the field."


"Stephanie is a Soul Archeologist. She always gets you to find the hidden gem & gets to the core of everything."


"We're at the beginning of a new dawn,
and everyone has
a piece of the puzzle."

"We're at the beginning of a new dawn, and everyone has a piece of the puzzle."

let's find your piece and co-create

let's find your piece and co-create