About The Final Chance Podcast

In the 7 episodes of season 1 you can expect personal stories with some incredible human beings that have impacted my own life.
They are all purposedriven, passionate change makers who want to leave this world a better place in their own unique way.

It is my hope that when you listen to these conversations that you feel inspired to live every day as it is your final chance to Be all of who you are.

all episodes

Live Transmission from Mount Shasta

episode 7

Energy Mastery & Frequency First

episode 6

Wisdom, Liberation and Spiritual Integrity

episode 5

A future template in which humanity thrives

episode 3

Connect to the deeper mysteries of your heart

episode 2

Start to see your body as a gift & magical instrument

episode 1

Expand your consciousness & embody your higher self

episode 4

I help you to find truth and purpose

Crystal Clarity 
Infinite Possibility 
Unwavering Trust
Absolute Fulfilment

It is my desire that every human being on this planet Remembers why they chose to incarnate here on Earth at this time. 

I wish to give a glimpse of the world as I experience it.
Magical, multidimensional and ... an ever-unfolding mystery.

I do this by anchoring and offering the frequencies of: 

About your host

more about me